
古典太阳城官网涵盖了所有的社会问题, 材料, 以及古希腊和古罗马世界的知识文化, 因为它们既可以用原文学习,也可以用英语学习.

该系开设的课程有三个标题, 包括(1)拉丁文和希腊文的初级和中级课程, designed to teach a student to read the languages; (2) courses in Greek and Roman 文学, 历史, 艺术与考古, 社会, 和文化, 包括Core(文献), 历史上我, 美术)课程, taught in 英语 and designed to acquaint a student broadly with the world of classical antiquity; (3) advanced reading courses in ancient authors and genres taught in the original languages and advanced cultures courses in 英语. 其他系也开设了与古代有关的课程.
