
The following is an excerpt from Prayer for 找到ing God in All Things: THe Daily Examen of St. 伊格内修斯洛约拉, 由老. Joan Roccasalvo, C.S.J.

What is the Daily Examen of St. 伊格内修斯洛约拉?

Our consumer society gravitates around evaluations of all kinds.  Large corporations regularly conduct surveys that measure sales and profts.  Products undergo improvements to ensure positive results.  最终目标? A more satisfying life.  The daily examen of St. 伊格内修斯洛约拉 focuses not on a better life but on "abundant life, 充实的生活,正如耶稣所应许的. (Jn 10:10).

The daily examen is that time of prayer when I evaluate the hours of my day in the light of faith.  I assess my relationship with God and myself, 与他人, and with the world around me since my last examen.  We need to evaluate all aspects of life, urges Father Walter Ciszek, S.J.:

"We must habitually pray over our thoughts, 演讲及意见, 愿望, 欲望, decisions; over our physical, 精神上的, material and mental needs; over our vows and our state of calling to better discern the will of God, 尊重邻居, in the spirit of charity."

The daily examen is quintessentially important for busy people to pray it because in doing so, we can more easily find God in all things. 根据St. 伊格内修斯:

1. All things are a GIFT.

2. All things are SACRED; God lives within all created things: In inanimate things, 在植物中, 在动物身上, 在你我心中.

3. God is PROVIDENTIALLY at work always and everywhere within all created things.

4. All good things descend FROM ABOVE, "de arriba."

佩德罗·阿鲁普,S.J. reflects on finding God in the context of love:

"Nothing is more practical than finding God, 这是, thank falling in love in a quite absolute, 最后的方法.  What seizes your imagination will affect everything.  It will decide everything.  It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you do with your evenings, how you spend your weekends, 你读了什么, 你认识谁?, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude."


Questions: When, Where, How Long?

When should the examen be prayed? It should be prayed at least once a day and ideally twice each day: at midday, 下午三点左右, at the end of the work day, or again before retiring.

Where can the examen be prayed? It can be prayed anywhere 这是 convenient, such as on public transportation or at home where mothers or caregivers can catch a few minutes when young children or the sick and infirm are safely occupied.  Praying the examen can provie respite in these demanding roles when caregivers are almost always on call.  The examen is well adapted to individual needs.

How long does the examen take to pray? 关于 ten to twenty minutes.  It helps to plan for a definite time to pray it.  Some people keep a written record of their examens.


Daily Life, the Raw Material for Prayer

Ladislas Orsy, S.J., praises the rhythm of daily life, the raw material for praying the examen:

"To destroy our taste for the ordinary is to interfere with the foundations of our life.  We need much peaceful monotony to enjoy surprising happenings.  At the time of monotony, the spirit of the inner man awakes.  Not distracted, he [or she] can reflect on himself [or herself] and on the outside world.  The quiet rhythm of the ordinary is the best framework for thinking in depth.  Great deeds and movements never originated in shallow thoughts; all giant trees have deep roots...."


Scripture and Sacred Writings

Let us make humankind in our own image, according to our likeness. ——创1:26

Yet you have made them a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. -- Ps 8:5

The glory of God is man and woman fully alive, and the life of man and woman is the contemplation of God. -- St. 里昂的伊勒纽斯

God condescended to become one of us that we might ascend to the divine likeness, a little less than God. -- Early Christian Proverb

The word of God, Jesus Christ our Lord, ... Because of his immeasurable love became what we are in order to make us what He is. -- St. 里昂的伊勒纽斯


找到 Prayer for 找到ing God in All Things: The Daily Examen of St. 伊格内修斯洛约拉 and other material on Jesuit 精神上的ity at 耶稣会的来源.